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08 June 2020

Solving larger society's ills... life-altering issue at a time...insert alt text here
"Elmer Fudd has made a big change for the newest series of "Looney Tunes" cartoons. In the latest update of the series -- called "Looney Tunes Cartoons" and streaming on HBO Max -- the iconic character will no longer use a rifle, according to the people behind the show."
Why stop at renouncing his rifle... how about showing Elmer discovering his true gender? Honestly, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they had him breast-feeding Daffy.

In other "saving the world" news...
Minneapolis’ left-leaning City Council members on Sunday announced a veto-proof push to disband the Minneapolis police department. Supporters of the move told Fox News, "We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does."
Man... why am I suddenly flashing on old Kurt Russell movies?

Oh, it gets better...insert alt text here
The activist group Black Visions compared the police system to that of slavery.
Well, sure... scrapping the police department might work for a crime-free paradise like Minneap... sweet baby jebus!
"As 2019 closes, the homicide rate has more than doubled that of 2018, reaching its highest level since the mid-1990s. Though St. Paul is predominantly white and 50% female, the overwhelming majority of victims were men of color, most commonly black."

“911 what is your location?”
“Uh, a place of privilige?”