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02 June 2020

Not Me... Not Mine...

...Not Today...insert alt text here
The nation went up in flames this weekend. No one in charge stood up to save America. Our leaders dithered. They cowered. They openly sided with the destroyers. In many cases, they egged them on.

Later, they will deny all of this. They are denying it now. You know the truth. You saw it happen.

This is how nations collapse.

Enforcing the law is not white supremacy. Insisting that everyone in the country follow the same rules isn’t racism. In fact, it’s the answer to racism. It’s equality, equality under the law.
Not that Canada's overburdened with wise leadership.

"Corbo’s, a tiny family-owned bakery in the city’s historic Playhouse Square district, took matters into their own hands, brandishing their firearms when rioters came calling.

Three men stood in the doorway of the bakery, defending their property and exercising their Second Amendment rights."

"A minute later the rioters were gone, having moved on to the business next door, where they shattered a massive storefront window."