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05 June 2020

Looting... rioting... pshawww...'s a "protest"...

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"Some businesses were boarded up in downtown Toronto in anticipation of protests over the weekend. However, many activists and organizers, including Black Lives Matter • Toronto, stated that they are not involved or affiliated with any protests in the coming days."
Well... it's not like business owners can count on the local constabulary for protection...
"Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders and other uniformed officers met with a group of protesters, removed his hat and took a solidarity knee at a downtown intersection near police headquarters."
But haircuts & dog parks are still against the law.

Just spitballin' here, but that's one hell of an optic... a black man doffing his cap and bending the knee a la Game of Thrones.

Chief Saunders best be praying City Hall doesn't go up in flames this weekend.