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12 June 2020

First they came for Wendy Mesley

But, but, but, some of my best friends... are sort of black...insert alt text here
Jessica Mulroney has earned the wrath of a Canadian lifestyle blogger for her silence as protests surrounding Black Lives Matter grow louder.

And the ensuing online war of words has now prompted Bell Media and CTV to part ways with the daughter-in-law of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

“Because recent conduct by one of our show hosts, Jessica Mulroney conflicts with our commitment to diversity and equality, CTV has removed “I DO REDO” from all Bell Media channels and platforms effective immediately.”
It gets better...
Jessica Mulroney has lost her long-standing gig with "Good Morning America" after she became embroiled this week in a controversy regarding white privilege.
Soundcloud rapper Raz Simone and his entourage have claimed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) as their territory • "We are the police of this community now!"
Some Police Forces are apparently more equal than others.

Investigations into the sexual exploitation of a 16-year-old girl netted 10 arrests, including a veteran Toronto police officer. Constable Peter Roberts, 49, of Toronto — an 11-year Toronto Police Service member with 51 Division — was arrested along with nine other men.

BREAKING: OJ Simpson finds "the real killer."