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04 June 2020

Dear Hawk...

You sure you don't wanna give this one another think?

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"The Black Lives Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called “war on police,” according to BLM New York chapter Chairman Hawk Newsome."
Let's just take a beat and put this metaphysical jackboot on the proverbial other foot. And likewise put aside, for the moment, the obvious blowback from declaring war on the police.

Say ol' Randolph Shitler decides he's gonna arm all of his skinhead buddies and task them to "protect the white community." That ring any historical alarm bells? You don't think there's any sort of moral, philosophical or legal problems lurking in those societal bushes?

Hey hombre, just sayin'.

And why does nobody get upset with the ongoing, ever-present black on black urban mayhem?
"Investigators are also exploring whether Jenkins’ music videos and lyrics about violent street life — including purported insults directed at rival gangs and dead rappers — are a possible motive for the killing."
LAST WORD: Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter...

...that sounds so familiar.