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13 June 2020

Coerced "Professional" Journalism

There is only one way to think, talk or write in Justin's Post-National Canuckistan.

insert alt text hereThe leftwing-infested Canadian media insists that epidermally-advantaged Canadians are a goosestep away from declaring themselves the new Master Race. To disagree is to make yourself a target... and guess who's currently in their crosshairs...
The publication of a column by Rex Murphy that denied the existence of systemic racism in Canada was a “fuck up,” according to the National Post’s opinion editor.

Post reporters grilled newsroom managers on how the column came to be published, why there hasn’t been any public accountability.
And what was Grand Wizard Murphy's egregious sin?

Has he been accused of groping a young female reporter? Has he been prancing around in blackface? Did someone mistake him for Ernst Zundel?

Apparently not...
Murphy’s column argued that "most Canadians are horrified by racism. We are in fact not a racist country, though to say so may shock some.”
Well, that was enough to stir up outrage and talk of torches & pitchforks...
Matt Gurney, the Post’s opinion editor, said the statement declaring that Canada isn’t racist, which ended up being the headline, was “indefensible.”
But, surely the folks who run this propaganda outfit see they're "one woke over the line?"

Yet again, apparently not...
In an email, Phyllise Gelfand, vice-president of communications for Postmedia, said the company would not respond to questions about a confidential, internal meeting.
Spoken like a true Stalinist.

Here's some bonus Rex.

NEW YORK, NY—In response to a growing anti-police sentiment, McGruff the Crime Dog has been taken to the vet and put down.

We just didn’t feel safe with him around,” said activist Ray Clarke, one of the people who demanded McGruff be euthanized.

“He was always urging people to ‘Take a bite out of crime,’ and we don’t need more violence like that from law enforcement. He has to die.”