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27 June 2020

But stepping over pools of blood...

...didn't even make the list...insert alt text here
Asylum seekers staying at a Glasgow hotel where multiple people including a police officer have been stabbed were unhappy about limited WiFi which made it difficult to get in touch with relatives back home.

The quality of food was very poor, there was little to no money given to the asylum seekers” — leading to “a great degree of unhappiness”.
Unlike the third world utopias they were all fleeing. Perhaps it's time for Glasgow's Muslim Community to step up and house these folk?

The stabbing suspect’s identity, background, and motivation have not been disclosed at this time.
Yeah... it's a super-duper double secret.


UPDATE: GET ME A SOCIAL WORKER... STAT!!!insert alt text here
"One man, who gave his name as Siraj, said the alleged attacker, a Sudanese asylum seeker, told him on Thursday evening that he was considering attacking fellow residents."

Siraj alerted hotel reception staff to the conversation on Thursday evening and a welfare officer for the housing provider spent time talking to the man.

LAST WORD: To serve and protect
Constable David Whyte, 42, has been named as the police officer seriously injured in a stabbing attack at a Glasgow hotel.

A police spokesman said the incident was not being treated as terrorism.
And I imagine his employer will be talking to Constable Whyte shortly, about that unfortunate surname.