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16 June 2020

Black Lives Matter New York was not...

...available for comment...
New York City police say they have arrested a suspect seen on video shoving a 92-year-old woman to the ground in what appears to be a random attack.

Footage of the incident, which happened Friday afternoon in Manhattan, begins with the woman traveling in one direction on a sidewalk with the assistance of a pushcart.

The suspect -- identified by local media as 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage appears to strike her face with his left hand – causing her to fall.
"I heard the Mayor was REALLY upset • he wasn't wearing a mask."
RELATED: Looking for hate in all the wrong places
Fiona Onasanya, a former Labour Party MP who became only the second person in history to be kicked out of Parliament by their own voters using a recall petition, has called on Kellogg’s to justify why Rice Krispies is represented with “three white boys” while the Coco Pops mascot is a monkey.
LAST WORD: The Black Pander Party