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05 May 2020

Obviously... "It's Going To Be Fine"...

...isn't gonna sell a lot of newspapers...insert alt text here
"A newly revised coronavirus mortality model predicts nearly 135,000 Americans will die from COVID-19 by early August, almost double previous projections, as social-distancing measures for quelling the pandemic are increasingly relaxed, researchers said on Monday."
Here's a useful media-related rule of thumb... every time I see the hyperbolic phrase, "a staggering cost in terms of human lives," I know I'm being played.

"Poor Migrant Farm Workers, Killed En-Mass"...

...betrayed by their Canadian dream.
Well... not exactly.


RELATED: Speaking of actual, verifiable numbers...
You ever wonder why nobody sheds a single tear for the 1200 Canadians killed every year on the family farm?

Or, how about the 4 Canadians killed every day by drunk drivers?

LAST WORD: Trust me... I'm a "professional" journalist