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12 May 2020

Maybe Justin Trudeau could just ban lousy...

...'won't get off their fat asses' cops?insert alt text here
He was a psychopath” - A former resident of Portapique says she called the RCMP to tell them the future gunman assaulted his domestic partner and that he had illegal weapons."

"The police took no action."
Read the original article here...
The responding officers asked if any of the three men would testify to witnessing the assault. Boe didn’t know.

However, she did tell the responding officers that “he’s got a shit load of illegal weapons."

"I’ve seen them. My husband has seen them.”
And they weren't the only ones...
The killer’s father, who also described being “beaten” by his son during a vacation in Cuba, told Frank his son had a “helluva a gun collection.”

RELATED: He couldn't stop Wortman smuggling firearms
Trudeau pledges stronger screening measures at U.S. border when it reopens.