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12 May 2020

♫ "Killing me softly with his song" ♫

Sorry, Canada... that's what happens when you elect and re-elect an egomaniacal snow-boarding instructor...insert alt text here
A memo told Federal employees vetting the millions of applications for emergency and employment-insurance (EI) benefits not to halt payment or trigger investigations when they see signs of abuse, noting the department's integrity branch has been suspended.

As for applications that arrive from abroad, if the person is a resident of Canada and outside the country “for a temporary period of time,” they can still access CERB.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"Even inmates at a prison in Trois-Rivières, Que. have received CERB cheques, according to a Radio-Canada report."
UPDATE: What does Justin say?
Asked about the memo several times by Conservative MP Dan Albas during a meeting of the special Commons COVID-19 committee, Trudeau refused to answer.
In other lefty "leadership" news...insert alt text here
"That Mr. Biden is a 77-year-old man likely to accept the nomination during a pandemic has attached even weightier stakes to his decision."