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06 May 2020

On "Pussification"... I'm with Joe Rogan...

...this is what happens when you "Nerf the World"...insert alt text here
The mystery of why today vast numbers of governments around the world have crushed economies, locked people under house arrest, wrecked business, spread despair, disregarded basic freedoms and rights, will require years if not decades to sort out.
Let's break out some numbers...
In February 1957, a new influenza (H2N2) virus emerged in East Asia, triggering the “Asian Flu” pandemic. The estimated number of deaths was 1.1 million worldwide and 116,000 in the United States. To extrapolate the data to a counterfactual, we can conclude that this virus was more wicked than COVID-19 thus far.

Again, this was a very serious flu, and it persisted for 10 years until it mutated to become the Hong Kong flu of 1968.
Who cares about collateral damage?insert alt text here
Paris (AFP) – The global lockdown caused by COVID-19 risks a “devastating” surge in tuberculosis cases, with nearly 1.4 million additional deaths from the world’s biggest infectious killer by 2025.

In 2018, it killed around 1.5 million people, according to the World Health Organization, including more than 200,000 children.