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04 May 2020

I'm with Barbie... "Math is Hard"...

It's not like the President has to have a firm grasp of numbers... or language...insert alt text here
“Over 600,000 dead, many of them who are those workers, those nurses, doctors, some of them.”

A hot mic picked up a gasp from one of the hosts, but Biden continued, “And we talk about that number like 600,000 plus thousand people...” he said, before host Joe Scarborough interjected... “Sixty.”
Oh, it gets better... by which I mean worse...
For a second time, he awkwardly used the word “intercourse,” when he seemingly wanted to say “discourse” or “interaction.”

RELATED: Associated Press spiked interview...
“A recording of one of the interviews was deleted before Reade emerged in 2020 with new allegations against Biden."