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01 May 2020

GTA cops arrest local Dairy Farm...

...wait a f@cking minute...
Investigators with the York Regional Police Homicide Unit have charged two more people in connection with the death of a 33-year-old man who was killed in a 2018 shooting in the City of Richmond Hill.

Mohamad El-Zahawi, 38
Abdelaziz Ibrahim, 23

• First-degree murder
I demand an immediate ban on tow trucks!

RELATED: I'm so old, I remember when we didn't just...

...release murderers into the larger field of folk...
"Less than five years after killing Rosemarie Junor in the PATH while suffering untreated schizophrenia, Rohinie Bisesar could soon be out on unescorted passes in the community."
RELATED2: Got what he was looking for...
"Sources told the Sun the man was ordered to 'drop the knife' repeatedly, but he ignored the commands and was shot dead."

LAST WORD: The Usual, well... you know...
"Paramedics said they arrived to find two males in life-threatening condition, one female in serious condition and another male also in serious condition."