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25 May 2020

Former Snowboarder vs Former Statesman

Smell the leadership...insert alt text here
"If my worst premonitions are realized and the current government continues to suppress normal economic activity while pouring vast sums of cash into non-productive welfare payments without any apparent thought of who will pay for this profligacy, Canada may be facing a disaster."

Churchill was called out of retirement to take control of a desperate Britain in the autumn of 1939. Sometimes the man seeks the position. Sometimes the position seeks the man. Canadians need to draft Stephen Harper into service again.”

Teneycke previously panned the current crop of leadership hopefuls as underwhelming: “Right now we’re being asked to choose between peanut butter that’s crunchy and peanut butter that’s smooth.”

RELATED: Because it worked so well for Russia

Meanwhile, CBC seems to be touting the KungFlu as a fortunate transformative event... as long as Dear Leader Justin is at the helm.
"Ideas proposed by Karl Marx... a painful but useful economic transformation."
You have got to be shittin' me. No wonder they call CBC Headquarters "the Kremlin."

LAST WORD: Justin Saves the World Episode • #117
"No need to show proof of work permit to get CERB, Ottawa tells temporary foreign residents."

"The government had paid out $39 billion under CERB to more than eight million claimants by May 21."