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08 May 2020

Compare and Contrast

Our new reality... "Hyperbole is King"...insert alt text here
The forcible prevention of Americans from doing anything except what politicians deem “essential” has led to the worst economy in American history since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

It is panic and hysteria, not the coronavirus, that created this catastrophe. And the consequences in much of the world will be more horrible than in America.

To the left, anyone who questions the lockdown is driven by preference for money over lives.

Timothy Egan of The New York Times described Republicans who wish to enable their states to open up as “the party of death.”

RELATED: Now, wait just one ebola-pickin' minute...
Asked at a Hewlett Foundation conference last year about what the nation’s next failure of imagination would be, former top Pentagon official Eric Rosenbach had a simple answer:

"An attack on the public confidence in key institutions."