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17 May 2020

Chicken Little • Big Media Upsell waning

Living "happily ever after" isn't gonna get you those clicks or subscriptions...insert alt text hereNow as people get wise to the subterfuge, the media will begin to pivot to expose the scam...
H3N2 (or the “Hong Kong flu,” as it was more popularly known) was an influenza strain that the New York Times described as “one of the worst in the nation’s history.”

The first case of H3N2, which evolved from the H2N2 influenza strain that caused the 1957 pandemic, was reported in mid-July 1968 in Hong Kong.

The virus rarely made front-page news.

A 1968 story in the Associated Press warned that deaths caused by the Hong Kong flu “more than doubled across the nation in the third week of December.” But the story was buried on page 24.
It's the flu, stupid.

And don't get me started on "Trump Derangement Syndrome."


RELATED: So much for "Operation Inspiration"...
“I saw a deceased female with catastrophic injuries,” said Dana Hings, a retired nurse. “It looked like she hit a tree. It’s insane. It’s not supposed to happen.”
File this one under Liberal Party KungFlu PR stunt goes sideways.

Note to PM: Perhaps airframes should not be twice as old as pilots who fly them.