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04 April 2020

Up to 15,000 could die in Ontario:

So... only 14,933 to go, right?insert alt text hereOh, my gawd... the politicians saved us!
"Projections released by the province showed 100,000 Ontario residents could likely have died over the full course of the pandemic if the province hadn’t implemented measures such as widespread closures of businesses and schools in order to promote physical distancing."
So their heroic measures, despite shitcanning 26,000 pallets of PPE, have kept the death toll to less than .1% of projected totals.

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit.

BACK IN THE NATIONS CAPITAL:insert alt text here
"Bring on the carbon tax. Let’s find some new way to make things harder for those who are producing the most essential element in human life: FOOD."
Justin implemented a tax increase and a pay increase for MPs just as he throws millions of Canadians overboard.

I think I've had about all the "saving" I can take...
"Uh, @ONgov — the #emergencyalert system should be for alerts — new urgent information requiring immediate action or cognizance," wrote another. "Not spamming my phone to give me old generic info and reinforce an alert status I've been in [for] three weeks."