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22 April 2020

Trudeau needs to distract Canadians...

...from disastrous performance on coronavirus...toronto's most wantedApparently, the homicidal criminals "will balance themselves."

Remember 'assault style' means anything that resembles guns you see in movies. If it appeared in the same shot with Sylvester Stallone, it's gone.
"Authorities have yet to confirm that 'assault-style weapons' were used in the attack, but Trudeau indicated he already intended to secure the ban."
The RCMP and Public Safety Minister Bill Blair have yet to say whether Wortman legally acquired his firearm, or even whether it involved rifles or handguns.

They're counting on a obsequeously compliant media and the sheeplike behaviour of most Canadians.

"How about making it illegal to be a mass murderer?"
You know, instead of targetting legal firearms owners.


RELATED: No wonder Bill Blair is so tight-lippedinsert alt text hereDid the RCMP issue a firearms licence to a ticking time bomb?
“I was 15 and I’m standing outside of his denture clinic on Portland Street. He came outside ... He told me to ‘get off the property,’ and he smelled like booze."

"He grabbed my shirt and punched me in the back of the head."

"Wortman was banned from possessing a weapon for nine months and had to attend 'counselling in anger management.'”


LAST WORD: Let's ask a 94 year-old lady