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10 April 2020

FACT: Nobody's budget numbers go up...

...if the sky isn't actually falling... unless you convince the sheeple that it is...insert alt text hereThere is, however, a little light at the end of the plague-infested tunnel...
The Coronavirus Task Force appear to have lessened their reliance on academic models in favor of actual coronavirus data provided by state governments. The increased focus on actual coronavirus data is a likely indicator that a phased re-opening of the country will be based on state, county, and metro-specific data.

This move comes as the academic models that have brought about restrictive social distancing policies at the state and federal level continue to revise death projections downwards and vastly overstate hospitalization projections.
Anybody else conjuring up images of bison being herded over a cliff?


RELATED: Is the CDC gaffing the wheel?

Here's a thought. When we look at the data six months down the road, will the dramatic rise in KungFlu deaths correspond with a reciprocal drop in the number of generic flu deaths and, for example, heart attacks?

Because those numbers will tell the tale. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. If this is a big fat nothingburger, we are going to see (and feel) that.

Did we just burn the world economy to the waterline for no logical reason whatsoever?

If people don't get back to work really soon, there will be mass defaults on loans & mortgages. Supply chains will start to break down. You think there's a disaster now, wait until people see empty shelves at all their local food stores.

It's probably too late to acquire & train up a brace of oxen, but I think I'm gonna go buy me a tubload of heirloom vegetable seed packets and a nice recurve bow.


"The massive army field hospital that hundreds of troops built inside a Seattle convention center last week will be dismantled before treating a single patient."