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08 April 2020

Ooh, ooh... I know this one!

Don't let mentally ill people with knives prank the local constabulary...
"Family searching for answers after man with mental health issues fatally shot by police in Brampton." Police responded to a call about a domestic disturbance –
a call D’Andre’s family said he placed himself.
Not sure what the confusion is here. Let's ask sis...
"He had a weapon in his hand, a knife in his hand."

Campbell's aunt, who did not want to be identified, called the 26 year-old "a fun-loving guy."
Yeah... a fun-loving guy with a shank.

Call the tune... pay the piper.

UPDATE: Smell the "investigative" journalism

Toronto Star article seems to imply some sort of Police Death Squad...
“He was a bright young kid,” one-time best friend Anthony Powell remembers, "I know he didn’t deserve this.”
What... as opposed to all the other people who do deserve it?

Staff Reporter Jacob Lorinc seems to have skipped over the fact that D'Andre, (who at 26, was in no way, shape or form "a kid,") was armed with a knife when officers arrived on scene.

I'm a little surprised Mr Lorinc didn't interview D'Andre's kindergarden teacher.