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04 April 2020

Like Barbie used to say...

..."Math is hard"...insert alt text here
"The study demonstrates that, under a worst-case scenario of 240,000 deaths in the U.S., given mitigation, COVID-19 will be about 170 times less deadly than accidents and 12 to 45 times less lethal than other common causes of untimely death."

"According to Just Facts, the death rate for people who contract COVID-19 is uncertain, but is probably closer to that of the seasonal flu than figures commonly reported by the press."

RELATED: Let's ask Dr. Richard Schabas...

...the former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario.


2,800,000 Americans died in 2017 from …

Heart disease: 647,457
Cancer: 599,108
You're gonna nerf the world so nobody gets hurt?

Good luck with that.