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01 April 2020

Let the "collateral damage" commence

We sure don't want those poor unfortunate souls to get sick in prison...insert alt text here
"Jacob Burnett was released in Louisville, KY,
two days into his two-year sentence
for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Four days after being released, he admitted to stabbing and killing a 60-year-old man in a subdivision just east of the city, according to local media."
It gets better...
Elderly Woman Reportedly Killed Over “Social Distancing.”
And even better...
"California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is responding to the Chinese coronavirus crisis by commuting the sentences of 14 felons convicted of murder or being involved in a murder."

RELATED: "Florida Man" ain't going quietly...
The state reports last Friday, it conducted more than 13,000 background checks. That’s compared to the 2,600 plus it ran on the same day last year. That’s nearly a 400 percent increase.