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11 April 2020

It's funny... because it's true

What could go wrong if we "Nerf the World?"
Sherbrooke, QC – Local teenager, Jeremy Powers, has grounded his parents for continuously leaving the house and not heeding Public Health’s warning to self isolate. “I’m at the end of my wits!” said 16 year old Powers, after catching his mom, Doris sneaking out for the third time this week.

“I don’t know how to get through to them that this pandemic is serious."

"They’re at that age now, where they just don’t want to listen!”
Mrs Neo has heard from a sixty-something friend that her son has been chiding and checking to see if his "aged" parents are following all the rules & regulations.

You know, for their own good.

Fortunately, Neophyte is just happy to have his dumb old parents out of his hair.