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25 April 2020

"If only there was a law"

Trudeau government vows to enact draconian statutes regarding use of "borrowed police firearms."

And murdering cops • that'll be "super double-illegal"...
"After taking Const. Heidi Stevenson's life, Wortman took the officer's police-issued sidearm and magazines," RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell said.
I'm not so sure I'd trust Supt. Campbell or his media confreres to give me the time of day...
Police have previously said they have a "fairly good idea" that Wortman didn't have a firearms licence in Canada.
How is that a remotely acceptable answer?

Hey, Darren... are you saying the Canadian Firearms Registry isn't working? You checked the computer, right?
Why the uncertainty? He either has one, or he doesn't.

As well, the local cops were aware of his, er... hobby...
Donald Walker says the police were apparently aware of what Wortman was doing.

"He said that he had talked to the police," Walker said. "That they suggested to him, if he was going to take it to car shows, that he not drive it on the road, but take it by trailer."

IF IT ONLY SAVES ONE LIFE: I smell lawsuits...
"Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil confirmed Tuesday his government never received a request from the Mounties to send a message to the wider community through Alert Ready, Canada's emergency alert system, which sends messages to Canadians through television, radio and LTE-connected cell phones."

LAST WORD: Ted Kennedy's automobile has...

...killed more people than my firearms...
"There is simply no need for civilians to own repeating firearms, period, end of discussion. Sorry children, for the greater good of all in Canada, your murderous toys shall be confiscated and destroyed, period, end of discussion."
So, you don't have a problem with me coming to your house and throwing out anything I feel "you don't actually need?"