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30 April 2020

Even the diehard Lefties were aware

...of Sloppy Joe's, er... "proclivities"...insert alt text here
A 2008 column in the far-left magazine CounterPunch accusing Joe Biden of “loutish sexual advances” in the U.S. Senate has become a lightning rod in the debate over Biden and his former staffer Tara Reade’s allegation of sexual assault in 1993.

The article, written by the late Alexander Cockburn, lamented then-presidential candidate Barack Obama’s choice of Biden as a running mate in August 2008.

Biden, in Cockburn’s view, was an empty and worthless swamp creature, a D.C. insider chosen purely to improve Obama’s electoral odds who would ultimately stifle any progressive agenda for the candidate of “Hope and Change.”
Felonia Milhous Von Pantsuit is starting to salivate...
"In fact, Clinton talked so much about their shared history that it was easy to forget that she was endorsing Joe Biden. It almost sounded as though she were touting her own resume instead."

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"It was like watching Humphrey Bogart in The Caine Mutiny obsessing about a quart of missing strawberries – and losing sight of the world war raging about him."