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22 April 2020

Dumbing down RCMP entry standards...

...opens up a whole other can of worms...insert alt text here
Pat Curran, SIRT’s interim director, said he could not provide much information because the investigation into the incident is in its early stages.

Two RCMP officers did discharge their firearms at the scene, though he could not identify which weapons were used or who the officers were shooting at.
PS... apparently not shooting at Gabriel Wortman.

I'm beginning to see why, despite a trail of bodies AND burning houses, it took a half day to track this guy down.

"Starting this month, the RCMP is dropping its requirement that applicants must be Canadian citizens. It will now accept permanent residents.

Post-secondary graduates will no longer have to write an entrance exam that measures aptitude for police work and the force will no longer require a physical abilities evaluation before people submit an application."
Oh, it gets better...
"An internal RCMP document, obtained through access to information, flagged credit checks, the criminal background ban, the two-hour aptitude test and long stints at the training depot as potential barriers during the recruitment process."