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06 March 2020

They do this to each other...

...whaddaya think they'll do to your infidel arse...
KABUL — The first shots were heard before noon Friday, quickly followed by explosions at the site of a gathering of hundreds in western Kabul. Within hours, 32 people were dead and dozens wounded, according to a government spokesman.

The country is deeply divided by disputed election results, and the government is grappling with upcoming peace negotiations with the Taliban.
Oh, it's simpler than that...
The reason that ISIS exists is the same reason that Syria can’t be fixed. ISIS didn’t get so big because Muslims are angry about our foreign policy. It got huge because Sunni Muslims hate Shiite Muslims."
And they're not too keen on the fairer sex, either...
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) • Islamists pelted campaigners with stones, shoes and sticks as they marched through Pakistan’s capital on Sunday to mark International Women’s Day.