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18 March 2020

So, my home internet is down...

...and I'm sitting in the parking lot of a fast food outlet leaching off their internet connection.insert alt text hereNot too much new to say about this insanity. On the strength of less than a dozen old people dying countrywide, Trudeau has decided to crash the economy by opening up the taxpayer taps to the tune of 100 billion dollars.

We'll be feeling the economic reverbrations of this particular political fiasco for decades.

I'd be curious to know if anyone has personal experience, (no hearsay pls) of anyone who actually has a confirmed case of Wuhan virus. I suspect it's all "Aunt Sally says."

Prove me wrong.


RELATED: Don't take my word for it...
"At bottom, John Ioannidis, a respected epidemiologist at Stanford University's argument is the same as Dr. Jeremy Faust’s, who I’ve written about before.

"What if there are a ton more people walking around with asymptomatic COVID-19 than we realize? If there are then the death rate is far lower than we’re estimating."

"If in fact this virus is less deadly than the flu, do we actually want a coast-to-coast shutdown to contain it?"
Well, the political class and the media certainly do.


LAST WORD: Fuck those epidemiologists... ask a celebrity
The Forrest Gump star provided his latest update via Instagram. “Hey folks. Good News: One week after testing Positive, in self-isolation, the symptoms are much the same."

"No fever but the blahs. Folding the laundry and doing the dishes leads to a nap on the couch,” the actor wrote.