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27 March 2020

Orwell was right, some animals are...

...more equal than others...insert alt text here
It seems when it comes to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “stay home” mantra or Mayor John Tory’s threats to crack down, some stores didn’t get the memo.

Chinatown is not the only area not following government orders. Some stores in Kensington Market, Little Italy and The Beaches are doing similar things.
"Toronto Police would like to remind the public to be extra vigilant when it comes to those trying to sell or provide products or services associated to Covid-19. There are no legitimate 'home test kits' available."
But wait... it gets better.


RELATED: Those racist Bioethicists...
“If we do not deal with this, there is nothing to say that we could not in eighteen months’ time have another outbreak, and it could be worse.”

LAST WORD: It's just money, right?insert alt text here
"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Friday that the federal government will cover 75 percent of wages for qualifying businesses, backdated to March 15."
He puts everybody out of work... then he pays them. With their own borrowed money.

Problem solved.