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23 March 2020

He don' need no steenkin' data

Justin fixes the world by burning the Canadian economy to the ground...insert alt text here
"Looking at the whole funnel from top to bottom, ~1% of everyone who is tested for COVID-19 with the US will have a severe case that will require a hospital visit or long-term admission."

"Globally, 80–85% of all cases are mild. These will not require a hospital visit and home-based treatment/ no treatment is effective."
You ever wonder why nobody sheds a single tear for the 1200 Canadians killed every year on the family farm?
Or, how about the 4 Canadians killed every day by drunk drivers?

Anyone who actually examines the data points quickly realises that the Prime Minstrel has burned the Canadian economy to the ground based on a provably false premise.

But, hey... nobody gets to be UN Secretary General by being proficient in math... or truth-telling.

You're being conned, mi amigos.


That state-funded media sure worked out for Russia...insert alt text hereJust ask Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


RELATED: Like Barbie said... math is hard...
"A man in his 70s who contracted COVID-19 after travel to Alberta has become the third person in the province believed to have died of the illness."

"Three deaths — two Muskoka men in their 70s and a Milton man in his 50s."
Note... all three had pre-existing health issues... the youngest here had chronic leukemia... which this article fails to mention.

Meanwhile in the City of Toronto alone, over the same time period, 16 people have been murdered by their fellow citizens.

Where's the crisis... you tell me.


UPDATE: Doug Ford caves... shuts down Ontario