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08 March 2020


A billion here, a billion there... pretty soon you're talkin' real scratch...insert alt text here
"Free dental too??? I don’t get free dental and I’ve been paying into this system all my adult life."
I'm simply gobsmacked... I can't even get a family doctor...insert alt text hereBut, don't worry, say the Liberals... there's a 20 year time limit on this taxpayer largesse...
I truly believe the general public is unaware of this.” said the whistleblower. “I was shocked when I learned about it, that we as taxpayers are paying for this kind of coverage, and for that amount of time.”
This really shouldn't surprise anyone... Justin's Libranos had to game the system to get these folks into the country...insert alt text here
"The report said that to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s election campaign promise to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015, changes were made to the screening process."

"The screening period was shortened to 96 hours from 30 days, for example."
Hey, I'm sure Canada only picks the good ones...
Over half (62%) of all of the young migrant men from Somalia, Lebanon, and Morocco living in Denmark have been convicted of at least one crime before the age of 30, says Danish Ministry of Justice.

Danish Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen said the data “clearly shows that there is a big problem with criminal foreigners that we should not have in our society”.