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11 February 2020

The New Pacifism

You just know the Liberals are gonna find a way...
"All four of Canada's submarines were tied up last year for repairs and maintenance — news that has the opposition Conservatives questioning whether the Liberal government can keep the second-hand fleet afloat for another two decades."

"In response to a written question before Parliament, the Department of National Defence said the boats 'spent zero days at sea' in 2019."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
The Trudeau government spent $326 million of taxpayer money keeping the entire Canadian fleet of submarines for a year on dry land, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

BREAKING: Cops finally make arrest in pipeline prot...

...what the f@cking-f@ck?
During this, one man was arrested for obstruction after he repeatedly tore down the barriers erected by the protesters. Police refused to arrest any of the protesters who were blocking the highway as they did not have orders from their superiors to do so.

LAST WORD: Those naughty, naughty protesters...
"Transport Minister Marc Garneau says the federal Liberal government is "very concerned" about growing anti-pipeline protests that are crippling parts of the country's transport network, including one of the main rail arteries in southern Ontario."
Just not concerned enough to do anything about it.