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12 February 2020

Scratch a Democrat...

...find a lying, hypocritical Innumerate...insert alt text here
To Bloomberg's credit, there is a 93% statistic (source: Bureau of Justice) on murder but it describes the percentage of black Americans killed by other black Americans. It is not a number that nationally represents the number of murders as a whole.

Nearly half of the nation's murder victims in 2005 were black, and the number of black men who were slain is on the rise. A majority of the black murder victims were relatively young — between 17 and 29.

This also isn't the first time that Bloomberg has fabricated numbers to support his agenda. He's falsely claimed that there is an epidemic of gun violence and inflated gun deaths with suicides to boost the number.
MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:insert alt text here
Mohamud Omar Dhiblawe, 29, of Toronto, is charged with one count of second-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of a 35-year-old man last Thursday night.