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10 January 2020

Who are the “Biden Five?”

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A forthcoming bombshell book from publishing giant HarperCollins will reveal how five members of Joe Biden’s family • the “Biden Five” • siphoned tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer cash and guaranteed loans.

And the recent scandals involving Joe and Hunter Biden, Ukraine, and Burisma are just “the tip of the iceberg,” say sources close to the publisher.

The author, Peter Schweizer, described the book as “a sweeping, detailed look at how the leading figures of progressivism have leveraged the power of their positions.”
In commie-pinko Canada, you can order here.



Biden, Biden... that sounds so familiar.

UPDATE: Gonna be a blockbuster
On Thursday, the book rocketed from #822,128 to #3 on Amazon. The book doesn’t hit bookstores until January 21.
UPDATE2: Democrats don't care about corruption


LAST WORD: Sometime the witches burn themselves...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already topped the fundraising charts in her short time in Congress, but the liberal darling won’t donate a cent of her millions to Democrats' House campaign organization -- a position that has rankled some of her colleagues.

Instead, Ocasio-Cortez is building her own fundraising operation for fellow progressive candidates to bypass the official Democratic Party infrastructure. Already, she's actively funding primary challengers to oust certain Democratic colleagues.