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08 January 2020

Sounding awfully Presidential

Sorry, Nancy... looks like it's not the end of the world after all, but that won't stop the sniping from the sidelines.

A couple of takeaways from the CBC Radio coverage...

1. Despite launching missiles at U.S. bases in Iraq, CBC correspondents were quick to praise Iran's "restraint."

2. They also said, and I'm quoting verbatim here, any statements by the USA under President Trump are "essentially meaningless."

Smell that federally-funded "Professional" Journalism.


RELATED: Nothing up my sleeve...
On Wednesday morning, Iran’s civil aviation authority refused to give the black boxes to Boeing, which would normally analyze the data, or to any American agency.

Iran’s conduct is fueling theories that Iranian forces either deliberately or inadvertently shot down the aircraft.

LAST WORD: Not me, not mine, not today...
Blowing the guy up was a no-brainer. Qassem Soleimani was a merciless bloodstained fanatic who’d been slaughtering Americans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and anyone else he could reach for decades.