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03 January 2020

Obviously what we need in Toronto...

...are fewer basketball courts and more city-funded irregular firearms shooting ranges...
Re: City Sees Record Number Of Shootings In 2019: Toronto’s current and past police chiefs and mayors like to point out that Toronto is a “safe city,” because the overall murder tally places us behind major U.S. cities, and that the per capita rate is less than that of Winnipeg or Saskatoon.

But with a record 490 shootings last year, only a bit more shooting accuracy would put Toronto in the big leagues of dangerous cities.
Oh look... a shoutout for the return of "Carding" & TAVIS...
At-risk youth should have well-supported schools, after-school programs and jobs. They should have options and opportunities. Potential offenders should see a police presence and know there will be consequences if they pull out a gun.

John Campbell former city councillor (2014-2018), Toronto