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08 January 2020

♫ "Makin' a list... checkin' it twice" ♫

"...Gonna find out"♫... whose horoscope gets changed...insert alt text here
President Donald Trump reacted to a series of missile strikes on American targets in Iraq on Tuesday. “All is well!” he wrote, noting that the United States was still assessing casualties and damages at the two military bases attacked in Iraq.

The President stated that he would address the attacks on Wednesday morning.

UPDATE: The "I" Word...

What's flat, black & glows in the dark?

Here's a hint, it's not Indiana...
"The Federal Aviation Administration issued Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS) tonight outlining flight restrictions that prohibit U.S. civil aviation operators from operating in the airspace over Iraq, Iran, and the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman."

The FAA cited a potential for miscalculation or misidentification for the restrictions on U.S. civil aviation operators.
Hmmm... here's an odd coincidence.


UPDATE2: The usual Middle East Muslim propaganda...
Iranian state television said at least 80 "American terrorists" were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles adding that none of the missiles were intercepted.

Earlier, a US official speaking on condition of anonymity told The Associated Press news agency there were "few, if any" casualties.