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06 January 2020

From the folks who brought you...

"...Let's sterilise ALL the tards & perverts"...insert alt text here
I asked Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath for comment but her office declined instead directing me to a statement from the party office.

This photo was taken at an event organized as a rally in support of peace.”

You know... peace groups like the Taliban, Lebanese Hizballah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.


...that sounds so familiarinsert alt text here
Biographies and other accounts of Mr. Douglas’s life have either ignored or down-played his striking embrace in the mid-1930s of forced sterilization and segregation for people of “sub-normal” intelligence and morality, says Dr. Michael Shevell in a newly published academic paper.

"Back in 1988, when the Sun's Paul Jackson was at the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, he broke a startling story that showed the NDP's Tommy Douglas, now revered by the CBC as 'the greatest Canadian of all time,' eagerly recommending the CASTRATION OF HOMOSEXUALS and chronic criminals."

Douglas had expressed these views in his master's thesis at McMaster University.

LAST WORD: I'm judging Andrea Horwath... the company she keeps...