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07 January 2020

Apparently... Allah is a Capitalist

...Buying your way out of murder... there's some un-karmic "Religion of Peace"...insert alt text here
Under Pakistani law, victims or their families have the right to forgive suspects in a number of serious crimes, including most instances of murder.

All they have to do is state in court that they forgive a suspect "in the name of God."

In reality, legal observers agree that the primary motive for that "forgiveness" is normally financial, and the informal payment of money to victims is not illegal.
In other "not a sparrow falls" news...
Iranian state media reported that as many as 40 people were killed and more than 200 injured in the crush.
MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:insert alt text here
TORONTO - "I was cornered in the bathroom and he was holding me against the wall and I was screaming but he wouldn’t let me go and he bit off my nose.”

Allyson Danylko says police dogs were unsuccessful in trying to find her missing nose. “He either ate it or flushed it down the toilet,” she alleged.

Nick Grewal, 30, of Oakville, will be in Milton court on Jan. 28 to face charges of aggravated assault, forcible confinement and failing to comply with probation.