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10 December 2019

Very Affirmative Action

Orwell was right... "Some animals ARE more equal"...
Dennehy, 26, father of 4, hails from two generations of residential school survivors and “tragedy and trauma” have touched his family in many forms.

The robbery in question took place "in the context of a substance abuse binge by an Indigenous offender for whom substance-dependence is an inter-generational legacy."

"Mr. Dennehy’s moral blameworthiness is at the low end of the spectrum."
Note that Mr. Dennehy wouldn't know a residential school if it bit him on the ass... but he was apparently traumatised into alcoholism & crime by granny's bedtime stories.

I bet my alcoholic father would've loved to blame all his problems on the "Highland Clearances."

The "context of robbery." That's what passes for justice in Canada.


RELATED: Don't turn the clock back too far...
When thinking of pre-Columbian America, forget what you’ve seen in the Disney movies. Think “slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice.” From the Aztecs to the Iroquois, that was life among the indigenous peoples before Columbus arrived.