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06 December 2019

The Men Who Walked Away

Another December 6th and I keep wondering... "Marc Who?"insert alt text here
Every December 6th, our own unmanned Dominion lowers its flags to half-mast and tries to saddle Canadian manhood in general with the blame for the Montreal massacre -- the fourteen women murdered by Marc Lépine, born Gamil Gharbi, the son of an Algerian Muslim wife-beater, though you wouldn't know that from the press coverage.

I accepted the official narrative of events - until, that is, a few years later, when I looked into it myself.

At which point I marveled at how the Canadian state had succeeded in so thoroughly imposing a meaning on the slaughter that is more or less the precise opposite of what actually happened.
So saith Toronto blogger Kathy Shaidle...
"When we say 'we don't know what we'd do under the same circumstances', we make cowardice the default position."
As Licia Corbella wrote in an excellent article in the Calgary Sun, Gharbi/ Lepine was "Not one of us." He wasn't a hunter, farmer or gun collector, but the product of an abusive, misogynistic father.

But the Liberal Party immediately mounted a multi-billion dollar campaign against dastardly guns & gun owners.
"If young Marc/Gamil had chosen to run these women down with a car that night, would the Liberal Party have spent over a billion taxpayer dollars to try ban, let's say... Volkswagen Jettas?"
It really doesn't matter what it says on your passport... you can't be a Canadian AND a Jihadi.

RELATED: A complicated, expensive solution... a problem that doesn't exist...
"The federal government is planning a buyback program to get the guns out of circulation; it's expected to cost between $400 million and $600 million, says Liberal Public Safety Minister Bill Blair."
So you'll confiscate my legal rifles, which, btw have killed no one... and the urban gangbangers and their smuggled handguns get a total pass. Sounds like Justin.