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09 December 2019

The Gamil Gharbi Participation Trophy

Diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
Four students aged 18, 19, 20 and 21, were arrested after misogynistic slurs written on memorial marking 1989 École Polytechnique massacre.

Toronto District School Board spokesperson Ryan Bird said the slurs were written in English AND Arabic.
Slurs against women? In Arabic? I'm shocked.

UPDATE:   Media finally ponies up...
They were identified as Ahmed Sido, 20, Muhammed Nanaa, 19, Abdullah Al-Mosuli, 21, Adnan Al Noumayri, 18.
RELATED:   Increase your Terrorist-related IQ...

Do your part... sign up for free counter-terrorism training.

Just another story you're not gonna see on "The National."

LAST WORD:   The perfect Christmas gift for the... national millennial...
You can now purchase a Justin Trudeau Mr. Dress-Up colouring book from the online platform, and join in the PM’s famous and sometimes disastrously controversial love for costumes.