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01 November 2019

Michael Bryant's car...

...has still killed more people than my guns...insert alt text here
The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of a stolen firearm investigation. On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, at 10:04 p.m., officers began an investigation into the theft of an RCMP issue Smith & Wesson 9mm model 5946 pistol.

The pistol has a silhouette of a horse and rider with GRC and RCMP engraved on the right side. Also stolen were three magazines and a police radio at Sherway Gardens shopping mall.
Dudley Do-Right didn't need a nasty gun... right, Justin?


UPDATE: Facts behind the myth...toronto's most wanted
A recent count prepared by the RCMP shows that police forces and other government agencies have lost 813 firearms since 2005.

Contacted Friday morning, the RCMP did not provide a response to The Globe and Mail’s questions concerning either Wednesday’s theft or the total number of such thefts.
Oh, it gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
"No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas."

"It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have (wait for it) 'disappeared'."