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15 October 2019

"Erdogan’s Hostages"

Talk about going out with a bang...insert alt text here
Over the weekend, State and Energy Department officials were quietly reviewing plans for evacuating roughly 50 tactical nuclear weapons that the United States had long stored, under American control, at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, about 250 miles from the Syrian border.

“I think this is a first — a country with U.S. nuclear weapons stationed in it literally firing artillery at US forces,” Jeffrey Lewis of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies wrote last week.

RELATED: Imagine All the People...insert alt text here
A few days ago, French writer and philosopher Alain Finkielkraut said that suggesting that "Islamophobia is the equivalent of yesterday's anti-Semitism" is scandalous.

He said that "Muslims do not risk extermination" and that "no one should deny that today's anti-Semitism is Arab Muslim anti-Semitism."

He added that France is moving from a "muzzled press to a muzzling press that destroys free speech."