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11 September 2019

I'm from the government...I'm here... shrink-wrap you...insert alt text here
Saudi Arabia has said that the team was rogue, misinterpreting an old edict to convince Saudi dissidents to come home and killing Khashoggi by accident.
Uh, guys... just spitballin' here, but you might wanna put a little more effort into your alibis...
"Is it possible to put the body in a bag?" asked Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, a senior member of the team, 12 minutes before Khashoggi arrived on Oct. 2.

Dr. Salah Muhammed Tubaigy, who served as forensic chief at the Saudi General Security Department, responded, "No. Too heavy, very tall too.
The Arab Miiddle East has its own kind of truth...

"CRUSH, KILL, DESTROY!!!"insert alt text here
Taliban jihadis killed ten people in the attack, including two NATO service members from the United States and Romania.

The assault came days after the top U.S. peace negotiator, Zalmay Khalilzad, proclaimed that nearly a year of peace negotiations with the Taliban had yielded a deal “in principle.
That's some "Religion of Peace."