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10 September 2019

If you're not measuring...'re not managing...insert alt text here
While blacks make up 8.8% of Toronto’s population, they are overrepresented in...

• deadly encounters (61.5%)
• fatal shootings (70%.)
Toronto police busy with four shootings
And there's a bit of a backlog...
Toronto Police released a sketch of the gunman who took Kiesingar Gunn’s life on Tuesday — the day before the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2016 shooting.

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It's "Lord of the Flies" with guns...
Cops say Dwight Boone-Doty and co-accused Corey Morgan murdered the little boy because his father, Pierre Stokes, runs with a rival gang. Their goal was to send a message.

LAST WORD: The usual, well... you know
Toronto Police officers responding to a raucous party in the city’s west end found a man asleep in a car with a gun on his lap and ended up making four arrests. They are Kingslee Christie, 22, of no fixed address, Najib Adan, 28, of Mississauga, and Zyad Siddiqui, 28, and Said Keylie, 24, both of Toronto.