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03 August 2019


Spreading the message... "Everyone I don't like is Hitler"...insert alt text here
Liberal immigration minister Ahmed Hussen isn’t commenting about remarks he made at a Somali independence festival where he suggested Liberal opponents are racist Islamophobes who “dance with white supremacists.”
Wait a minute... Ahmed Hussen, Ahmed Hussen... that sounds so familiar...
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen provided a briefing to members of the African-Canadian community at a Toronto barbecue establishment that court documents have identified  as a known hangout for members of the notorious Nigerian-based Black Axe criminal syndicate.
RELATED: I blame Donald Trump... not the guy who pulled the trigger...
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Sunday that she believes President Trump is to blame for the recent mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.