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23 August 2019

A large part of Conservatism is...

...calling things by their proper names...insert alt text here
"The San Francisco Board of Supervisors enacted changes to its language for criminals last month, sanitizing the harsh language traditionally used to identify criminals and their crimes."
Well, we sure don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.
"It is unclear how the new language might help the city with some of the highest crimes rates in the nation."
I think these guys nailed it.


RELATED: "Irregular Firearms Enthusiast" community...

...butts heads with "Urban Musical Devotees Association" yet again...insert alt text here
TORONTO - "Both Jahvante Smart, who went by the name “Smoke Dawg,” and Ernest Modekwe were well known within Toronto’s music industry."

LAST WORD: Targeting Gangbangers is racist... let's just beef up surveillance of, well... everybody...
The province committed $3 million on Friday to help Toronto police more than double the number of closed-circuit television cameras in the city in an effort to deter gun violence.