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08 July 2019

I'm so old, I remember when...

..."free speech" was our default position...

insert alt text here
The French and Germans have given up in trying to convince the United States to surrender its free speech protections.

They realized that they do not have to because by imposing crippling penalties, major companies will be forced into censoring speech under poorly defined standards.

RELATED: Healing the planet...insert alt text racist oppressor at a time...
The organisers of the AfroFuture Fest, set for 3-4 August, are charging lower rates for tickets bought by "people of colour" than for "non-people of colour". Early bird tickets for "POC" were $10 and $20 for "Non-POC".

UPDATE: Not backing down... "trans and whatever"...insert alt text here
By Sunday, the festival changed its pricing to $20 general admission and "suggested donation" for "non-POC" attendees.

"It's important to make sure Black people have access to healing modalities, to move through all of the trauma we go through from being Black and queer and trans and whatever we are," AfroFuture Fest co-director Numi Ori says.
Numi says they're adjusting the fee structure, not because it's blatantly racist... but because of death threats from white supremacists.